I agree it would be nice to have OrangeCD downloading lyrics and covers, but unfortunately, there are no reliable sources of this kind of info on the Internet. Lyrics.ch closed down a while ago for copyright reasons, so did other similar web sites. Sigh...

Here is hint how to find lyrics on the Internet quickly. In Google (or in the search engine of your choice), type the following info:

1) name of the song,
2) a short quote from the song, it's easy to choose one while you're listening to it.

All of these should be enclosed in quotes.

For example:
"brain damage" "there's someone in my head"

Check out the results: [url]http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&querytime=cWu7D& q=%22brain+damage%22+%22there%27s+someone+in+my+he ad%22[/url]

Damn, we should automate this in OrangeCD somehow

Regarding the forum software - make sure you don't set the security policy too strict to store temporary cookies on your machine. Anyway, thanks, and I'll take a closer look at the forum code when I get a chance.
