Does anyone know if it is possible to have a different image for the cover of the boxset then for CD1? I have a boxset with 3 CDs in it. I can change CD 2 & 3's cover, that remains constant, but CD1 has a different cover then the image of the complete boxset itself, and when I try to change CD1's image, it also changes the boxset image. I would like it if the image for the boxset shown was that of it, and then, when you click on that, it shows the other covers.

Also, does anyone know how to make the CD covers shown for each one. For example, when I click on the boxset, it shows the image for the boxset (or CD1, as is the problem) at the top, then has the track listing for all three CDs below, without any images. I have it so that the Properties of both CD2 & 3 have their own cover image, but it is not shown on the tracklisting beside them, as I would like.

If anyone can shed any light on how to fix these issues, it would be greatly appreciated.