Hi Andrei,

Got a wee problem.....

I've been running the new Beta.

I've also been inputting a very large "box set" aka the 170 CDs of the Complete Mozart (I'd got up to around 100 so far), typing "nn/170" into the relevant field. So far so good....but I'd noticed that the app would lose the sequencing(I suspect that the 1/2, 2/2 etc. etc. was never intended to support 170 CDs :, so I found that I had to re-sequence manually. I was about to post a question about this, when......

I had logged out and then tried to reload OrangeCD. The app tries to start, but then immediately crashes out to the desktop. I've tried rebooting the PC but the same thing happens. So, my questions

1. have I pushed the envelope too far because OCD was never designed to take a box set of 170 CDs?

2. is the situation recoverable. I have a number of backups taken over the last few days....If I totally de-install OrangeCD shoul I be able to restore from a previous backup?

