Themes and templates are located in the TEMPLATES subfolder (most likely C:\Program Files\OrangeCD\Templates). And they have a .DAX extension.

You edit themes and templates using the DAXEDIT.EXE, which you will find in the OCD program folder (most likely C:\Program Files\OrangeCD)

OrangeCD comes with only one theme - DEFAULT THEME.DAX. But you can download the CRISP.DAX theme from the OCD site, and the CRISPPLAY.DAX theme from my site ([url][/url]).

All the other .DAX files are templates, which are used to export you music collection to HTML pages.

Themes and templates are installed simply by dropping the .DAX file into the TEMPLATES folder.

To determine which theme you are using, click View in the OCD menu. Then select Pereferences..... And finally click the Theme tab. If you have more than one theme installed you may select theme from the dropdownlist.

Each theme has a set of options which you can set from the Theme tab.