I have updated the CrispPlus theme today. Basically I have added most, but not all of the new Start Page features from the 'Default v6' theme.

That includes:
- 'Saved queries' section
- 'Add new albums': from Amazon, scan barcode
- 'Extras': export to HTML, more import/export, customize this page
- 'Database stats': Backup to file + Burn backup CD
(The 'Recent additions' section remains unchanged, I will update it later)

In addition I have added the following to the Start Page:
- Web links to 'OCD Plus'
- Web links to 'Amazon' (US, UK, Fr and Ger)

I've also
- added 'Album Preview', 'Track Preview' and 'Artist Page' code from the 'Default v6' theme.
- partly gathered formatting under the CSS tab.