
Type: Posts; User: FranticBlue

Search: Search took 0.00 seconds; generated 39 minute(s) ago.

  1. So I remembered I had somewhere still an OrangeCD...

    So I remembered I had somewhere still an OrangeCD installation on another older computer, so I compared the windows registry entries. Under...
  2. Same problem here. Seems like this dialog-box...

    Same problem here. Seems like this dialog-box interacting with Discogs, is running on a very old browser, that doesn't handle the scripts anymore. If you look at the source code (by right-clicking),...
  3. Replies

    Search for double entries

    Is there a way to search for double album title entries? Preferably generating a list of album title entries that are more than once in the database, regardless of artist or format and even better...
  4. Thread: RSS option

    by FranticBlue

    I second that! In a forum that people with...

    I second that! In a forum that people with questions rely on user participation, you need to have a RSS-feed. It can't be that much trouble to add RSS to this forum
  5. I notice that pasting is only grayed out from...

    I notice that pasting is only grayed out from albums I added by scanning CD. With the Albums I added manually, pasting works fine. So seems that the albums added by scanning CD are somehow...
  6. No, I'm not running OrangeCD as administrator,...

    No, I'm not running OrangeCD as administrator, but I do have administrator-rights on this windows account. If you think there lies the problem I could make an extra less elevated account and see if...
  7. Pasting in record properties doesn't work anymore?

    Hello, since the new version pasting is grayed out in record properties - tracks. Does anyone else have the same problem. Maybe I should revert to the previous version untill this is solved or is it...
  8. Replies

    New Query - Items in Field List

    Just a question: I'd like to make a Query with a search on Quantity to see which albums I have more than one copy of BUT Quantity is not in the dropdown-list :(

    Is there a way to add Quantity to...
  9. Replies

    add extra items in the band's view

    Is it possible to add extra items in the general band's view?

    Would like to add listings of attended concerts/festivals preferably with date and venue per band.

    Maybe it's already possible in...
Results 1 to 9 of 9