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View Full Version : Customise field names in lists

05-01-2013, 10:40 AM
Hi Andrei,

I'm sure this must have been asked before, but I need to be able to customise the label of certain fields in list views. Where, for example, I use an OCD field (as opposed to a custom field) for certain data that it wasn't intended for, I want to be able to change the coumn label to reflect MY usage. Would this be a problem to enable?

And we seem WAY overdue for some action on the 'new version' front - anything coming up soon?!


05-03-2013, 05:37 PM
Hi Malc,

Renaming built-in fields is tricky. Windows UI that OrangeCD uses is not flexible enough for easy replacement like this. (I had to go a long way to implement Custom pages...)

Can you share what built-in fields are you re-using? It may provide insights re: what changes do I need to make to accommodate your requirements, which probably aren't unique.


05-04-2013, 04:49 PM

For me:

BPM = My top 100
Barcode = Videocassette No. (I don't bother with scanning)
Distributor = Minidisc No.
Booklet pages = DVD No.
Quantity = Musical influence rating (how important a track/album is to my music appreciation)
Purchase Location = Place where the music really hit me (Influence location)
Interview (spare tickbox for various purposes)
Private (as above)
Soundtrack (as above)

I know everyone is different, and we're all probably music 'geeks'! Some will always want certain fields - others won't!

Cheers, Malc

05-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Cool, thanks for sharing.


05-07-2013, 09:54 AM
And (I forgot):

Packaging = Digital file format

05-07-2013, 11:47 AM
I use some of the above fields as they are intented:

Purchase Location
Booklet pages

Andrie, please do not make any changes to them.

05-08-2013, 07:27 AM
I've also modified some fields for certain databases. For example, I keep my 300 pieces of sheet music in a separate database, from my music, which I have categorized in a few different databases. Music DVD's are also categorized in a separate database, as well. But in my sheet music database, I'll add the title of the tune. Under artist, the artist pictured on the cover. If there is no artist pictured, I note "No Artist Pictured". Under Company, I note the publisher. Under year, the year of publication, which is often the year of a song's release, but not always. The format is obviously sheet music. On the tracks tab, I have 2 tracks, and I list on line 1, the music credits, and on line 2, the lyric credits (composer(s) and writer(s), that is...). Then, on the notes tab, I'll note any and all versions of that particular song, or a least, the most popular recordings of that song, and any other pertinent info pertaining to the song. Too bad there's not an easy way to modify/customize the field names to each person's specific usage (It would be nice to change a field name as easily as inputting an artist or title...), as I'm sure we all utilize the software in our own way, but I try to work around it the best I can.