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11-16-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi Andrei

Do you plan creating OrangeCD for Mac? I'm goingo to switch to Mac and Your application is the only one that does not have Mac version. Frankly speaking I'd pay for Mac version. Whithout it I will have to buy Windows for Mac and special app and it would cost a lot of money.

And what bout iPhone & iPad support?

OrangeCD is the only good music db.
Sincerely Yours

Mateusz Poradecki

11-18-2012, 11:52 AM

Read the following thread in the forum: http://www.firetongue.com/boards/showthread.php?7835-Is-there-a-future-for-OrangeCD. Andrei made the following statement:

"In past few months I've been working on new modern, cross-platform, SQL-based storage engine that would simplify extending OrangeCD to Mac OS X and fix few other long-standing issues (multiple images per album, etc.) Unfortunately this work is still very much in progress and far from being usable.

So there's currently two branches of OrangeCD source code: one is from November 2010 with some additional fixes made in between. The other is very unstable due to its new database engine. There is also a backlog of unsolved issues that need to be done in old branch (mostly bugs reported through this forum) before these two branches can be converged. I hope this explains the hiatus of last 8 months.

At this point I see no other solution as to stop working on new database engine and resume frequent incremental updates as it happened in 2009-2010."

Only Andrei can comment on whether he is still working on the SQL-based storage engine, but as he rarely posts in his own forum these days, I wouldn't hold my breath for an OSX version of OCD!!

Thanks to Bootcamp, I've been running OCD on my Mac for several years now... and installing Windows on a Mac needed cost you anything, either use the oringinal Windows installation disc that came with your PC, or if you only plan to run one Windows programme on your Mac, just download TinyXP for free. I have done both, and have had no problems with either (although because TinyXP removes all the unnecessary bells and whistles from XP, it does make for a more compact Bootcamp partition.

It is then up to you if you bother with a virtual machine to run your bootcamp partition while logged into OSX... I bided my time and got a really good deal on Parallels Desktop. But, be aware that when running Windows via a virtual machine, as you are effectively running two operating systems PLUS whatever software you want/need, you will slow your Mac down considerably.

Finally, (and I've not tried out this one), there is a programme called WINE, which allows Windows software to be run on other operating systems... it may be possible to get OCD to run under WINE... in which case you may be able to avoid Bootcamp and/or virtual machines completely.

While an OSX version of OCD would be great, I think we need to be realistic.... I think it's highly unlikely for it to happen in the near future (if at all), but there are alternatives out there.

Hope this helps a little,


12-03-2012, 10:30 AM

Thank you for Your suggestions. It took me a while to answer. I tried WINE. I succed in instaling OCD on WINE but the app did not start. I will try once more & I will write soon

01-14-2013, 11:23 AM
Unfortunatelly OrangeCD does not work under WINE.

01-14-2013, 07:26 PM
I tried times ago, the applications started, but it's the html render (and some other issues while opening the data entry windows) which didn't work.
That because I think Andrei developed strictly under windows... the only way to be directly cross platform isbeing developed under java

02-17-2013, 11:39 AM
Just bought an iMac, love orange cd! Any update to the progress of orange cd for osx?

Thank you!