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View Full Version : Last Played

10-28-2012, 05:34 PM
When you play a track from OCD or right-click and select "I'm Playing This Now", a date and time value is put in the field lastplayed. The value of this field is then available as an album property that can be displayed (<dax:lastplayed/>) in an album view - though it is not normally displayed in the default view. There is no equivalent track property and OCD gives you the option of having the field updated when any track in an album is played or only when all tracks in the album are played.

I say a date and time value is added, because Racks & Tags will report the time that an album was played if it was less than a day previously (for example, R&T right now correctly reports that I played Omer Avital's Suite of the East 9 minutes ago). However, when used in a display, dax:lastplayed only returns a date value. The same is true if lastplayed is used as a column in a table view.

So after that long-winded intro, my question:

Is there a way to display the time value? Is it actually in a different field than lastplayed? If it is in lastplayed, can it be extracted and displayed?