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06-18-2012, 03:58 PM
After adding some albums the details display in classical mode and after changing to general mode the composer(s) against the first track are displayed followed by a slash then the band name. Is there a way of getting the details to view correctly. I changed the entry to use composer credits removing the property from the track to try to get round the problem but I seem to remember OrangeCD using composer from track 2 etc. Is there any connection in that the tracks are M4A format?

06-18-2012, 05:56 PM
After adding some albums the details display in classical mode and after changing to general mode the composer(s) against the first track are displayed followed by a slash then the band name. Is there a way of getting the details to view correctly. I changed the entry to use composer credits removing the property from the track to try to get round the problem but I seem to remember OrangeCD using composer from track 2 etc. Is there any connection in that the tracks are M4A format?

If you want all the /composer details removed, just go to Track Properties. Under the General tab, you'll see that info displayed. Just delete it for each track. That's how I do it.

06-20-2012, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to remove the composer details as such but have found that on adding some media (M4A?)the composer/band heading is displayed as if OrangeCD thinks it a classical record or is changing the composer tag to an OrangeCD credit the only solution. I have mp3 media with the composer property and they displayed with only the band name after adding.

06-23-2012, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to remove the composer details as such but have found that on adding some media (M4A?)the composer/band heading is displayed as if OrangeCD thinks it a classical record or is changing the composer tag to an OrangeCD credit the only solution. I have mp3 media with the composer property and they displayed with only the band name after adding.

I am not clear where it is displaying the composer name that is bothering you. Composer names can be entered in three places in OCD. I assume you are using the Default dax file. (Check by View -> Preferences -> Theme where it should Default V6.)

One is on the general tab in properties, which you can see if you are using the classical layout (let's call this the album composer). A composer name may have been entered here and if so it will appear at the top of the display (above the album art). Even if you have the layout set to general in properties, if a composer was entered here somehow, it will appear. It is possible that the tags on the tracks you added contained information that OCD interpreted as an album composer. You can check this by going to Properties -> General and using Classical Layout. If there is a composer there, you can delete it and then, of course, it won't appear.

The second place you can enter composer information is on the track properties (either through properties -> tracks or by right clicking on a track title and choosing properties); call this the track composer. I don't think OCD can display any information about track composer anywhere except as part of the track information.

The third is in the credits tab. This, as I think you have discovered, will not display at the top of the album page but appears in a list below the tracks under Credits. This isn't a very elegant solution in my view. This can be changed to appear under the track title, but you have to know how to edit templates to do that. A further reason to avoid using the Credits tab to enter composer is that OCD doesn't read this field as a Composer. That is, when you choose Browse by Composer (the left frame) any composer entered under credits will not appear in the list; only composers entered in the album properties (classical layout) or in track properties general are used for the Browse by.

My guess is that somehow some of your albums have acquired an Album Composer. Check this using the classical layout and, if so, delete it. You may then need to add composer to the track properties general if they are not there already. Please let us know if that is the problem.

ADDED: I forgot to mention that in some implementations of the ID3 tagging system the composer is actually entered in the artist field (Musicbrainz is somewhat notorious for this, for example). You may have some entries like this.

06-29-2012, 08:15 PM
After adding some albums the details display in classical mode and after changing to general mode the composer(s) against the first track are displayed followed by a slash then the band name. Is there a way of getting the details to view correctly. I changed the entry to use composer credits removing the property from the track to try to get round the problem but I seem to remember OrangeCD using composer from track 2 etc. Is there any connection in that the tracks are M4A format?

There's no connection to format, but what others wrote is correct: you need to delete composer info from album (you may have to temporarily switch back to classical to access it).

Switching between classical and general views didnt remove composer data - it is still there and will be displayed in various places.


06-29-2012, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to remove the composer details as such but have found that on adding some media (M4A?)the composer/band heading is displayed as if OrangeCD thinks it a classical record or is changing the composer tag to an OrangeCD credit the only solution. I have mp3 media with the composer property and they displayed with only the band name after adding.

Can you try deleting composer field from album itself (you have to be in classical mode to achieve it) but leave it there for individual tracks? I wonder if that will achieve the look you want.


07-08-2012, 10:35 PM
As you have pointed out it seems on certain 'adding of media files' I've actioned in the past that the album composer has a value which causes the details to show in classical mode. The simple solution of removing this has the desired effect of correctly showing the album by band name only. Thank you to all who took the time to help me.