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View Full Version : Problems with Amazon

02-24-2012, 04:06 PM
I have used Orange CD successfully for a long time now and have a large database of classical music CDs. In the last day or two it appears that the program has stopped accessing the Amazon websites and in exploring this forum for an explanation I came across a posting which appears to suggest that support for Amazon is likely to be dropped. Is that right? Has it happened already?

I thought I'd try out discogs as an alternative but its classical music data is so tiny as to be completely unusable for me. If support for Amazon really is going to be dropped, are there any plans to replace it with access to a realistic alternative for people who use this product for classical music?


02-25-2012, 08:31 AM
Hi Nicholas,

Amazon support will be dropped eventually, but not yet. Current outage was caused by changes in Amazon web services. The issue is now fixed and Amazon functionality is restored in version 6.4.9.

Please upgrade to new version by running setup from http://www.firetongue.com/orgcdfull.exe - that should fix it.
