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View Full Version : Help! How do I get a new registry key????

08-03-2011, 02:06 PM
Hello there,

I have been using OrangeCD for years...but recently I upgraded my computer and reinstalled the latest version of Orange, and then tried using the registry key from when I first bought it, but it won't work. So, I have been emailing, trying to get this fixed, but with no response.

I have even considered buying it again, just to get a registry key. But - will that work? Are they generated and sent back automatically, or do I have to wait around for someone who may or may not be around on the other end to manually send one to me? Can anyone help?

In the worst case, does anyone know if OrangeCD database files are compatible with any other Music Cataloging programs, or if they can be converted somehow?

That's how desperate I am at this point. I have over a decade of music cataloging wrapped up in this and tech support seems non-existent.

Does anyone have any advice? - Registry Key, Compatible software, anything?

Any help that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

08-08-2011, 10:39 PM

Did you receive my e-mails from last week after all?

I've received non-deliverable notices from earlier mail, but ones I sent last week seems to go through.
