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View Full Version : Where to find these features?

09-06-2010, 10:16 PM

I've seen these two features in the feature list on the homepage but can't find them anywhere in the application.

# Track who borrows your CDs.
# Maintain wish lists and purchase lists.

Can somebody give me a hint how to use these features, please? I simply can't find them in the menue...


09-07-2010, 01:46 AM
to record an item borrowed and by whom... right click on an album... select the Library tab... click the down arrow on the status field and choose "borrowed".... then in the borrowed field add the preson who borrowed it...

For a want list... you have to add the album to the collection... then in the same Library tab... choose "want" from the status drop down list.

Hope that helps... ;O)

btw... the items that show up in the status drop down box aren't the only ones that you can use... just enter any other status in the blank field and it will be added to the drop down list... same with the borrower.. starts out with noone in the list just add names in the blank field. This applies in many of the other drop down fields throuout the program.


09-10-2010, 12:46 PM
Thanks a lot Fred! That helped me 100%.
