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View Full Version : Search multiple sources

04-03-2010, 11:33 PM
I am looking at OrangeCD Catalog as a replacement for Music Collector. I'm really pissed at them for removing Amazon searches from their desktop app in response to a tiff with Amazon over their iPhone apps (please don't fall into that trap if/when you do an iPhone app).

One feature that Music Collector has, which doesn't seem to be present in OrangeCD is the ability to search based on multiple data points - CDID, and UPC, and name/title (any or all at the same time). Until they removed Amazon support, this was a good way to get full CD details, including track times - since Amazon doesn't provide track times, the CD scan would provide them.

With OrangeCD, it seems you need to pick one, and only one, mechanism to add a new CD. And there doesn't seem to be any way to add another source later (e.g. if I do a CDID-based scan, I can't later add an ASIN to the record).

Nor does their appear to be a way to change an ID. For example, I have a lot of older CDs, which have gone out of print and been reissued. If I scan the barcode and do a UPC lookup on Amazon, it will find the ASIN for the out-of-print version. But I want the Amazon link to go to the newer, still-available version, which I could do if I could edit the ASIN.

While I'd really like to see multiple-source lookups get implemented, if there were a way to add/edit the ASIN via the disk properties, I would be sufficiently pleased with OrangeCD to purchase it as a replacement for Music Collector. I'm hoping this is something that can be added simply, since the database field is already there and all that's needed is to put it in an editable field.