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View Full Version : New features

03-19-2010, 01:57 PM
I imagine Andrei is working on the next update now and I wanted to get in my request for a couple of features.

1) Currently an OCD user can set up any number of web links for an artist or a composer, but cannot set up links for a single album. The ability to do so would be very useful as one could link to online reviews of the album or - what prompted this - to link to an online libretto for an opera. iTunes, for example, seldom includes the booklet with the libretto, even though it was released with the physical cd.

2) For much the same reason, it would be useful to be able to link from an album entry to a file on the network - a pdf in most cases, I would think. Many labels provide downloadable cd booklets and it would be very helpful to be able to easily connect to these.

I don't know how difficult it would be to add these, but since web links to artists and composers are already available, I would imagine the tools are there just waiting to be extended.