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View Full Version : Feature request: Auto rename album folder

10-05-2009, 04:58 PM
Here's an idea... how about implementing a feature that renames the folder of an album - so that it reflects the hierarchy of OCD?

Let me give you an Example:

My OCD database has the following info:
%Artist_Name% , %Album_Name% , %Track_Number% , %Song_Name%

I keep my OCD db tidy and updated - unfortunately my MP3 folder structure is not as tidy as it should be.

Instead of fixing all my ID3 tags with the correct info (which has already been fixes in my OCD db) - I would like OCD to rename all my folders.



Has this been addressed before in this forum? I've looked into tools like "Tag&Rename" - but it seems like I have to do a lot of manual ID3 updates and folder renames to tidy things up. :cool: