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View Full Version : Cuecat barcode scanner trouble; bad http status code

08-28-2009, 10:44 PM
Hi all just got the software and I am currently inputing my 1000+ c.d's. I have just got myself a cuecat barcode scanner to help with the task but I seem to be having a problem.

The scanner is modified by which I think means that when you scan the bar code the relevant numbers in text are displayed in UPC field. That is working fine but every c.d I search is coming up with bad HTTP status code. I know that some of my c.d's will not be in amazon but I have tried quite a few of them and the outcome is always the same bad HTTP status code. I have tried changing the search data base to the UK amazon data base and still no luck. I have also downloaded the micrsoft patch for the parse issue that Andrei has suggested and still the same problem.

I have had a quick look through the forum for any information but I can not seem to find any reference to this problem. So the call is going out there...can anyone help me??? What am I doing wrong


08-29-2009, 11:44 PM
i don't think this problem has anything to do with CueCat. i think it has to do with Amazon. i'm trying to download album art for a [relatively] recent CD, and no matter which Amazon server i choose, i'm getting the same "Bad HTTP status code" message.

Here's my session log for that error:

<| HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
<| Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 23:35:07 GMT
<| Server: Server
<| nnCoection: close
<| Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
<| nnCoection: close
<| Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<| Content-Type: text/plain
<| <?xml version="1.0"?>
<| <ItemSearchErrorResponse xmlns="http://ecs.amazonaws.com/doc/2005-10-05/"><Error><Code>MissingParameter</Code><Message>The request must contain the parameter Signature.</Message></Error><RequestID>2de1f2e6-4b30-40a4-96fc-78b8f057144e</RequestID></ItemSearchErrorResponse>

i have a hacked CueCat as well, though i never use it to enter CDs; i prefer to scan the CD in my CD drive. But the CueCat works fine for entering barcodes and searching the database by barcode.

08-30-2009, 03:34 AM
Thanks for the reply.

That is the same response I am getting as well and like you I think that perhaps there is trouble at the amazon end. I have since treid the different amazon sites like the canadian site and although I am still getting errors the code is 200.

Is there away to search on other sites other than amazon and will the barcode way of searching work on these sites???

More impartantly has anyone had success with amazon of late???I would early like to get the scanner function working to save on a lot of data entry....

Some help please...
