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View Full Version : Track live / album live fields not independent...

05-27-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi Andrei,

Another little question, a bit like my one about the 'remastered' fields. There is a 'studio/live' field for album, and a 'live' field for track: Would it be possible for these to function entirely independent of each other? Bear in mind that some albums only have maybe one or two live tracks on them. What I want to be able to do is mark an individual track as 'live', and have that place a 'live' icon next to that track in album view (which I can, by editing my template along the lines of 'if tracklive' etc etc). But I also use a 'live album' icon elsewhere in my template in album view for TOTALLY LIVE albums. What OCD currently does is show my LIVE ALBUM icon even when only one tracklive field has been checked.

To sum up, if just one track is checked as live, OCD tells me that the ENTIRE album is live, which is not desirable!! Any chance of sorting this soon? I have tried applying your solution for my 'remastered' question, but can't get it to work yet.

Many thanks.