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View Full Version : Search for a track by non-specific recording date

04-12-2009, 01:32 AM
Is there a way to search for, say, all tracks recorded in 1936 if the tracks have been entered into the catalogue with an exact date? I have tried an advanced search but it'll only show me the tracks that don't have an exact date.

04-19-2009, 04:01 PM
Using advanced search, choose the tracks tab.

Field: Recording date
Condition: Occurs after
Value: 1935


Field: Recording date
Condition: Occurs before
Value: 1937

As I don't have anything recorded in 1936, I used 1955 and 1957 and found things with exact dates recorded in 1956. I don't know for sure that it found them all, but could see no reason why it wouldn't.

Is there a way to search for, say, all tracks recorded in 1936 if the tracks have been entered into the catalogue with an exact date? I have tried an advanced search but it'll only show me the tracks that don't have an exact date.