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View Full Version : Make use of all the Line-Up details

03-24-2009, 08:12 PM
1. As OrangeCD works today we can enter all the information regarding band members in "Record Properties -> Musicians".

2. BUT, here's the 2nd inconsistency, we can also enter this information under "Artist Profile -> Line-Up" (with an additional field for "Period").

Solution/Feature request:

Re-write the "Artist Profile -> Line-Up" view completely.

1. First of all it would be nice to be able to "Build" the line-up. If I have entered the band members on every album of a specific band, I click on a button and OrangeCD collects these band members and view them in my window.

2. If I don't have all the artists albums it would also be nice to be able to add/edit/remove band members manually in the same view. Members that maybe only participated on one/or few records...

3. All band members could be viewed/visible on each artist "Main Window" (like a list) with separate fields for NAME, ROLE(S) & TIME PERIOD. If I click on any of the members in this band I could view that persons "Profile".