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View Full Version : Copy/paste support in credits: HOW??

12-14-2008, 05:58 AM
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the 'Rating' search capability! Could you just tell me how the copy/paste support for credits works in practice, please? A quick example would really help! Many thanks...

01-28-2009, 04:22 AM
It is really simple actually. Right-click in any credit list in Album properties dialog box. You should see a new menu with commands:

Copy Rows
Paste Rows
Cut Rows
Delete All Rows

If you don't see it, try clicking on column headers or below the text area (as opposed on actual credit items).

"Copy Rows" will put all credits in current list to clipboard. "Paste Rows" will do the opposite. Note that you can use this feature not only with OrangeCD, but with Notepad or other apps as well.

I hope this helps.
