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10-28-2008, 11:04 PM
I recently purchased OrangeCD Suite 6. When I was using the trial version and when I first converted to the full version, the screen I got was OrangeCD Catalog which allow me to add my cds. Today for the first time, I get a screen that gives me three choices - Create a new database; browse for a database; or Restore from backup. I have not seen this before. Do I need delete and reinstall? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

10-30-2008, 02:26 AM
Select "Browse for a Database" and see if OrangeCD Suite 6 locates the music database on your computer. Take care ...

11-01-2008, 05:42 PM
This error indicates that OrangeCD cannot find database in its usual place. Try to locate it manually as scangle suggests; if this does not work, I would search for .DAB files on your entire computer using Windows search facilities - the file may be moved accidentally by someone.

Also check your e-mail, I just sent you more tips.

All in all, things like this don't usually happen out of the blue - something changed in your system - files were either moved, deleted or got corrupted.
