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View Full Version : Forward/Back-feature

10-26-2008, 03:07 PM
When searching in OrangeCD I would like to be able to go forward/back in the search results.

If I would like to replace a word that is found in the composer field in 100 albums it would be nice to have a forward/back feature so that I can navigate to/from albums at a greater speed.

After I have edited the first album I click on the forward button (or press down the Right Arrow Key on the Keyboard) and this open next album in the list (the list of all my search results).

This navigation would also take me to the corresponding view in the next album. If I am editing composers I would like this view to be visible when I navigate to next album!!

11-01-2008, 05:49 PM
Unless I'm missing something, this feature already exists.

When you're editing data in Album properties window, note small arrow buttons at bottom of the dialog. When you click them, it will save your current changes and move to next/previous album without changing the current tab.

Also note that in many cases, you can multi-select the albums in right pane using Ctrl or Shift and make same change to many albums in one step.


11-04-2008, 03:18 PM
Hi Andrei!

You make me happy when I see your active participation here!
You probably read everything but I sure appreciate that you take the time making comments and request additional information!

I am requesting this feature when I have made a search. Let's say I search for "Art Pepper". In the list (of returned results) I start editing the first post. When I have done that I would like to quickly get to the other entry in this list.

As it is today, I have to close the album view, then double click to open the next entry and click on the desired tab.

By this feature it would reduce the number of clicks by 2 thirds (that is if the forawrd/back button takes me to the same view as the one that I am leaving)!