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View Full Version : HTML export..out of date code

05-27-2008, 08:19 AM

I've been using OCD for a long time now, and I am very much a supporter of the program, but I have recently been looking at customising HTML export templates for publishing my music collection and I am finding that there are many seeming limitations to making my templates XHTML compliant. In fact it seems very much like Orange CD template system needs an overhaul to introduce more flexibility in this area, and allow authors to design templates from the ground up without having to use search and replace tools post export to modify code that cannot be changed during the template design stage.

As I said, I am a supporter of OCD, and I use the program daily, but the HTML export function really needs attention IMO.

06-11-2008, 10:06 AM
Is this forum dead? No reply so maybe this app is just lingering a while before it dies.

06-13-2008, 06:12 AM
Is this forum dead?
Not even close :)

I am sorry to say, it is unlikely that HTML export will be significantly improved. It will probably get XHTML support and minor template update but that's it.

Have you taken a look at Racks and Tags website? It allows instant upload from OrangeCD to the web and offers RSS feeds that you can incorporate in your website. There are many features in development that will take Racks and Tags API to the new level.

HTML export, on the other hand, is an outdated feature overall and offers less bang for a buck.


10-19-2008, 06:38 PM
I don't agree with you, Andrei. I just started testing OrangeCD and it works great with Racks and Tags, but that website looks childish and for people visiting it to view your catalogue it's hard to figure out what to do. Lots of people will want to publish their catalogue on their own website and it would be a great plus if OrangeCD could use CSS-stylesheets and if it would be possible to publish parts of the site (e.g. one artist) and not only the whole database.