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View Full Version : Statistics / Composer field still missing!

04-13-2008, 03:38 PM
I am a little frustrated because this feature was requested many times... and still no action. Can you put this "Composer field" in the Statistics as part of your next update Andrei ?
Thank you!


05-03-2008, 07:45 PM
[quote=sfox2842]I am a little frustrated because this feature was requested many times... and still no action. Can you put this "Composer field" in the Statistics

05-04-2008, 05:28 AM

I input composers through the Record Properties/Tracks/Composer Field. The Record Properties/General/Composer Field is empty.
It appears that the new Composer Statistics uses the later for data. Is it possible to have the Composer Statistics (or a different Composer Tracks Statistics) use also the Tracks Composer.

What's the difference between Record Properties/Tracks/Composer Field and Record Properties/General/Composer Field ?

Why doesn't the data in the General/Composer Field show the data in the Record Properties/Tracks/Composer Field (Various in case when there is more than one composer) in the same way that the General/Artists picks up the data from the Tracks/Artists field?

