View Full Version : Why the restrictions on "box Set"?

10-15-2007, 09:24 PM
I have several box sets that OCD has made for me, but only the 1st and 3rd of the set in "boxed", the 2nd is not. And OCD won't allow me to box the 2nd with the 1st and 3rd since they are "already a set". This restriction seems unreasonable.

10-16-2007, 05:47 AM
You'll need to get the relevant CDs to show in LIST view (i.e. all 3 in the incomplete boxed set). Then highlight the two 'boxed set' entries, and click on TOOLS/Unmake boxed set. THEN.... highlight all 3, and make them a boxed set manually (same menu as before). On the GENERAL tab of each CD's record properties, you may also need to amend the 'Part#' to read 1/1 before making all 3 into a boxed set.

Should work!