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View Full Version : Album path editing tool

02-05-2008, 01:21 PM

I know we can already can edit the album path in the "properties/misc" tab but it would be nice to have a method to edit this field without having to drill down into each setting album by album.

I'm not complaining ...... With no doubt, OCD is my favorite piece of software!


02-07-2008, 05:47 AM
I know we can already can edit the album path in the "properties/misc" tab but it would be nice to have a method to edit this field without having to drill down into each setting album by album.
This feature is currently in development (as well as other tasty media library management tools). Stay tuned to website updates.


01-30-2010, 08:32 PM
Would the ability to specify a relative path be in the works? I would like to use purchase copies of OrangeCD for the folks for whom I RIP CDs. The idea would be to catakog an external drive with the database at the root and have the links work regardless of how the drive gets mapped on the winblows machine.