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View Full Version : Import from Discogs

07-28-2007, 11:56 AM

I am testing your application in order to verify if it is the right one to catalog my LPs.

The only suitable DB I have found to download reliable vinyl info is discogs, therefore my first question is:

1) Is there a way to import data from Discogs or am I forced to manual entry?
In case I need to go for a manual input, is there a technique that would make this task faster than simply typing?

2) Is there a way to split the track listing by side?
For vinyl, especially if many are double, it is fundamental to see the listing as: A,B,C,D or Disc 1 A,B - Disc 2 A,B

Looking forward to reading your reply.

Thank you
Alex :D

01-13-2008, 05:22 AM
I would love to see a feature added that lets you import from Discogs, or perhaps for somebody to build a plugin. Being able to import from MusicBrainz would be a huge help, too.

At the moment, I have to enter most vinyl in manually and it's such a chore that I've barely catalogued any of my vinyl.

Alex, there is a 'split track list' function on the Crisp Plus theme, perhaps searching the forums will give you more info. I prefer the default theme and I'm hoping someone can tell me how to import that function in other themes.

01-13-2008, 05:48 AM
Actually I hadn't upgraded for a while, and didn't realise you could now easily enter Sides A and B for vinyl.

Go to album properties->tracks tab->right-click on the track that is track 1 on Side B and choose 'Start vinyl side'.

06-16-2009, 09:58 PM
Is there anmy change or plans for integrating on any level with Discogs or Musicbrainz? This would make enering my 6,000 LPs much easier...

02-11-2010, 03:25 AM

after moving my music collection from a clunky excel file to orangecd, i'm left with about 500 entries that amazon and freedb simply do not contain. adding some level of discogs.com support would be amazing. it really is one of the most complete music archives out there, and a seemingly perfect companion to orangecd.

02-16-2010, 12:09 AM
I agree!!!

02-25-2010, 02:30 AM
Any plans to include Discogs support any time soon? Without it, I am seriously considering switching to Catraxx, even though I much prefer the OrangeCD interface and would prefer to stick to a program I'm used to - and really don't want to pay for a second program! I used the free trial of Catraxx and was able to add about 50 albums in one day from Discogs. This would take me weeks and weeks to do manually on OrangeCD.

It really should be simple enough. I have free tagging programs and music players that use Discogs as a database, so I'm sure the API is readily available.

02-28-2010, 12:58 PM
what are your thoughts on this topic, andrei? is it even a remote possibility to add discogs.com support?

05-29-2010, 05:01 PM
I totally agree with the all rest of you.
Discogs support is absolutely necessary if you want to catalog Vinyl Records, not to mention that it is already implemented by big "opponent" CATraxx.
Till now I've been using Orangecd for cataloging my MP3 collection and have been totally satisfied with its capabilities.
But when I decided to catalog my Vinyl Collection (~2000) I found out that it's not that easy to do it.
Anyway being a big fun of orangecd I decided to continue cataloging my Vinyl but I'm doing really slowly.
Andrei could you please help us?

05-31-2010, 07:31 PM
I totally agree with the all rest of you.
Discogs support is absolutely necessary if you want to catalog Vinyl Records, not to mention that it is already implemented by big "opponent" CATraxx.
Till now I've been using Orangecd for cataloging my MP3 collection and have been totally satisfied with its capabilities.
But when I decided to catalog my Vinyl Collection (~2000) I found out that it's not that easy to do it.
Anyway being a big fun of orangecd I decided to continue cataloging my Vinyl but I'm doing really slowly.
Andrei could you please help us?

Yes. It looks like Discogs import is coming in next month or so.

05-31-2010, 07:46 PM
thank u !!
please feel free to share any beta versions for testing reasons

06-03-2010, 01:52 AM
Yes. It looks like Discogs import is coming in next month or so.

that is awesome news! thank you so much andrei. you have no idea how many hours you are going to save a lot of people :D

06-17-2010, 09:12 AM
Awesome! I was reluctantly about to take the plunge and buy Catraxx, but thought I better check in here first. Honestly, I would probably have downloaded LP info with Catraxx, and then imported the Catraxx database into OrangeCD, because I just like it so much better. But now I'm really relieved not to have to fork out more $$$ for this feature.