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View Full Version : Lyric Icons & other suggestions...

10-31-2007, 11:41 AM
Hi there,

I love the OrangeCD software and have a few suggestions for future editions...

1) Would it be possible to display icons after individual track titles to indicate that song lyrics have been added? And possibly another type of icon if the track has been designated as an instrumental?

2) Would it be possible to add some kind of "dividers" to split up media within the thumbnail view? What i mean is, when I go to artist view, I have albums displayed first, then any interview albums I might have, then singles, and then bootlegs. This can get out of hand, and one category runs right into another with no transition...and if you collect stuff by, the Beatles for instance, you probably have tons of interview albums, bootlegs and single picture sleeves to display . So in thumbnail view, would it be possible to have the word "albums" as a header, and after the albums, have some kind of dividing line , and start the interview albums in a new row of thumbnails with the word "interview" as a header, and so on? I hope this one doesn't sound too confusing...

3) OK, this one is out there a little, but would it be possible to add an icon after the artist's name, either in thumbnail view, or album view to indicate country of origin? This would help, especially if you are looking through the artist view to browse for artists from a particular country. Say, a British flag icon placed by the Beatles, or a Canadian flag icon placed by The Guess Who, etc.

Yes, I know that last one might seem a little odd, but it would look sharp in the display! :)

Any thoughts about these ideas? What do other OrangeCD users think?

11-18-2007, 02:33 AM
Some time ago I had edited template with icons, indicated instrumental type and lyric precense. But table looks li'l bit .. ugly? heavy?.. I don't know.

02-09-2008, 06:49 AM
btw, every time I get new version of OCD, I must to edit main template to highlight by color songs w/lyrics (or instrumental).
May be it possible to include couple of my suggestions in "Default V6.dax"? Or some advice to automate this process?
I think album properties has better look when tracktitle and tracktime placed in separate cells. Also I select color of "tracktime" field depending' of lyric presence.
It looks like that:

<td width="100%" <dax:if($show_track_list_ratings)><dax:if(!trackrating)>colspan="2"</dax:if></dax:if>>

<dax:tracklink><dax:tracktitle/></dax:tracklink> &amp;nbsp;

<!-- Show track time in color if track lyrics are included -->
<td class="tracklisttd" align="right">
<font color="$ly_color"><dax:tracktime/>&amp;nbsp;</font>
<font color="$ly_color"><dax:tracktime/>&amp;nbsp;</font>
I'm only move "tracktime" behind the new <td> tag and add couple other string and one variable color section.