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View Full Version : Need multiple disc features

08-08-2001, 04:06 PM
The current version of OCD does not seem to offer any way to handle multiple disc/lp sets with regards to track listings. If I have a 2-CD set I want one "album entry" with track listing like this:
Disc 1
1. track 1
2. track 2
Disc 2
1. track 1
2. track 2
I don't quite understand the logic behind the "# in set" feature on the General page of the album properties as it really does nothing.

Also, it would be nice to be able to copy a whole album and its info to another database.
Another great feature would be to have a complete track listing by artist. From this list one could then create setlists for concert CDs (or bootlegged concerts for that matter). I bought the product cuz I like it. Just trying to make it better as all software can be.

08-15-2001, 08:00 PM

> The current version of OCD does not seem to offer any way
> to handle multiple disc/lp sets with regards to track
> listings. If I have a 2-CD set I want one "album entry"
> with track listing like this:
> Disc 1