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View Full Version : Multiple CD boxes

01-02-2002, 06:52 PM
In the next version of OrangeCD it would be nice if the albums containing multiple cd's would be treated differently. At the moment I have one box which contains three cd's and other one with five cd's.

It would be better if I could add the box to the database with the name of the box set and the cd's would be boxes subdirectories. At the moment only way I can think of putting them all to the database is by adding all cd's separately.

In the box information window there could be a list of cd's where now is the track list. Then I could choose the cd in hand and see its information with track list etc.

Well that wasn't very clearly said but I hope you understand what I'm after.

01-11-2002, 09:41 AM

thank you for the suggestion. More convenient handling of double albums and box sets is already in my task schedule. It's good to see that this feature is very close to the top of the list :)
