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View Full Version : Artist entry/sort

11-26-2003, 12:37 AM
I have just read everything in this forum (Suggest Features) and sorting seems to be an issue on multiple levels.

My suggestion is like most, for the artists name it should be Last, First Middle unless it is a group. A group should be a literal title "Front Line Assembly" not "Assembly, Front Line".

The way artists (groups) show up now is perfect. For a soloist or single artist, the First Last drives me nuts. I understand that it does this because this is the format that freedb wants database submissions and gives information back to it's users.

However, I work in a Library and as an occupational hazard, Alpha sorts drive me crazy. Just my personal problem. I also really like Last, First alpha sort because it makes it easy to inventory your collection from time to time if you print it out.

So... I was wondering if artist entry could work like Outlook does when you are adding Contacts. You type the name in one field (however you want) and the field below (a dropdown) called "File As" gives you suggestions as to how you want the artist (record) to be listed/filed.

I have been using OrangeCD for over a year. EXCELLENT!!! LOVE all of the improvements. I looked at many programs before I purchased this one and I don't regret it for a minute.
Thank You for all your hard work. Everytime I update, there is something new. My keyboard and my hands thank you for making the entry of 900 CD's easier.

And here's a funny observation... OCD a short term for OrangeCD, also Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or, Obsesssive Compact Disc (collector). :o

We are obsessed about our music. ;D