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View Full Version : CD-player as toolbar

03-26-2004, 01:28 PM
It would be very handy to have the OrangeCD Player as a toolbar in the OrangeCD Catalog. So when you are working with the catalog you don't have to click twice (right and left click) if you for instance want to change track or eject the CD.

03-26-2004, 03:55 PM
People use the CD Player? :o

03-27-2004, 06:20 AM
Not me... sorry Andrei :-[

For me it's CD -> Hi-Fi... Database - > Computer ::)

03-27-2004, 06:46 AM
;D Winamp 5.03 with Enhancer DSP plugin. ;D

03-27-2004, 08:38 PM
Yes, I use the Cd-player because it's small, has no window and reads the CD information directly into the Catalog. Winamp, I use for MP3s but not for CDs.