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View Full Version : CD Titling for group sets

07-29-2004, 10:30 AM
Let me explain. I got a bunch of CD Sets with multiple CD's and each disc has it's own title. But when you group the CD together in a set, all you see is CD# and the time for each disc. It would be nice to have an optional field where you could add in the CD's title in so when you group the disc in a set, it would say CD1: "Title" [time], CD2: "Title" [time], etc. And, if the CD's in the set are part of a double album and aren't individually titled, then they field could be just simply left blank.

07-30-2004, 07:04 AM
This and similar features have been requested for over a year. We have been promised to see it implemented in the next release ... Version 5.3. Take care ...