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View Full Version : Automatic 'last edited' date field.

07-30-2005, 05:30 AM

I think I mentioned this ages ago, but it is directly relevant now! You have given us 5 more customisable "DATE" fields: what would be really useful for me would be for at least a couple of these to have a "TODAY" button, as in the "DATE ADDED" field in record properties.

Better still would be to include a "LAST EDITED" date field that would up-date automatically as soon as you left a record after working on it. Then I could quickly identify what records I had (or hadn't) amended at any particular time, and exactly when. Am I correct in thinking that this would be pretty straightforward (for you, not me)!?

07-31-2005, 04:38 PM
Yes, please provide us with an automatically updated MODDATE field for each record. That would be VERY, VERY useful!

08-02-2005, 08:05 AM
Check out latest build. It's already implemented (thanks for suggestion!)


08-02-2005, 11:26 AM
Many thanks for this, Andrei, but please see my post in CUSTOMER COMMENTS - there are a few problems...