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View Full Version : a bug in cd-player

08-13-2002, 07:43 AM
I found a bug in the cdplayer, it must be one :-))

a) the player don't remember the layout, when I customize it.
for instance I inserted the previous and foward arrows in the menu, but after the next start it looks like before.
b) I customized the tooltip format, that I can read the track artist, when I look at the tooltip (I seperated them from the title in the database by all cd's with "various artist") - but after every new start I miss the %a in the line...

a suggestion: in the track overview of the player (where I can direct click at a title - is it possible, to display the track artists? or to customize it, when the cd-artist is "various Artist" with seperated artists it is a little difficult to see, from whom the song is :-)

CU und greetz!