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View Full Version : new beta 9321 vs older version 9228

09-22-2005, 09:12 PM
i was running 9228 with no problems but when i installed 9321 i wasnt able to get orangecd to run. worse yet, i tried to install 9228 orangecd wouldnt completely uninstall. the folder and the dadbapp.exe file (9321 version) stick around and wont allow me to delete it.

i tried reinstalling 9321 since that file wont go anywhere and was still unable to open orangecd without an error. anyone else have this problem?

daniel britt

09-22-2005, 10:36 PM
Nope - installing the latest pre-beta worked just fine for me.

The fact that you were not allowed to delete the OCD folder and the dadbapp.exe file during you uninstall attempt, may be the explanation.

If your dabapp.exe file can't be deleted, then it could probably not be overwritten either when you tried to upgrade to the newest pre-beta.

I assume that you have tried to reboot and then delete the OCD file and folder?

09-22-2005, 10:45 PM
yep, i tried rebooting, uninstall through windows and orangecd & i killed all the services i could recognise. i wound up renaming the .exe file and reinstalled orangecd. since then, its been working flawlessly (for at least the past 3 minutes).

09-23-2005, 09:50 AM
Good for you.

I now see that it was the 9231 version of dadbapp.exe that caused the problems. So my inital assumption was obviously wrong.

I'm glad your OCD is up and running again.