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View Full Version : Delete non-audio CD

02-23-2003, 05:24 PM
Somehow a non-audio cd was entered in the Orange CD Record Catalog. I can't seem to delete it since it's not in the list of "Entire Collection" (left part of the screen where I can use "delete"). On the right side it is visible but I can't select "delete" when I right-click.
How do I delete this record in the database?

02-23-2003, 05:29 PM
Somehow a non-audio cd was entered in the Orange CD Record Catalog. I can't seem to delete it since it's not in the list of "Entire Collection" (left part of the screen where I can use "delete"). On the right side it is visible but I can't select "delete" when I right-click.
How do I delete this record in the database?

Select the album in the right pane (or wherever it is visible) and press Del key on keyboard. It has the same effect as Delete menu command.

Make sure to delete the correct entry, since database deletions are permanent and cannot be undone.

02-24-2003, 04:39 PM
Thanks! :)
Didn't have any idea it was that simple!