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View Full Version : What to do if you get no reply from support

12-26-2003, 05:46 AM
If you haven't receive a reply from support within reasonable time (two business days), several things could go wrong.

- Did you provide a correct e-mail address in the support form? This sounds like very obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised how many people ask questions and forget to type their e-mail address in the form.

- Does your mailbox accept new messages? With huge amounts of spam circulating today it is easy to overrun mailbox quotas without noticing it.

- It could be a software failure on our side. To protect ourselves from spam, we use e-mail filtering software. However, just like any software, it is not 100% perfect and there is a slight chance that your e-mail message will be mistaken for a spam. When in doubt, please resend your message with words "OrangeCD support request" in the subject.