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02-21-2005, 06:18 AM
I'm starting make a database of all my CD's. Never I've got the Information of Composers of the tracks.
Another Problem: I want to sort information using the tracks (alfabetical sorted) as main Information. I can't find the view that listes the tracks.
Can you help me?

02-21-2005, 10:29 AM
Not quite sure of what you are asking for here. Are you looking for HTML output that lists the Track Name? Or, are you looking for where within OrangeCD Catalog you can view the Track Names for a given recording?


02-21-2005, 12:23 PM
1. I am looking for any output that lists the track names in my personal catalogue and gives me the Information (also such as Composers, Artists) in which of my CDs I find them.
2. I'm not looking for the track names of one given recording but for all recordings of my personal catalogue.

02-21-2005, 12:34 PM
Most of the HTML export outputs will list all of the tracks for a particular title.

Also, I use the Crisp-Play template which is a modified Crisp template. When you double-click on an album title you are taken to the Album Detail window which lists the track listing.

Or are you trying to get a listing of All Track Titles regardless of which album they appear? This does not exist to the best of my knowledge. We may be able to modify a template to get that information, but I am not sure.


02-21-2005, 03:53 PM
If you're looking for an HTML output of the entire content of your OrangeCD database, could you describe the format you're interested in.

For instance:

CD #1
<Album title>: <Album artist name>
1. <Track title> (<track time>)
2.<Track title> (<track time>)

CD #2
<Album title>: <Album artist name>
1. <Track title> (<track time>)
2.<Track title> (<track time>)

Or are you looking for something like this:

1. <Track title> <Track artist>[<Album artist name>] <Album title>
2. <Track title> <Track artist>[<Album artist name>] <Album title>
3. <Track title> <Track artist>[<Album artist name>] <Album title>

03-01-2005, 10:54 AM
The last proposual of rcarljohnson "Or are you trying...." is my imagination. Probably like this:
<track title "A"> <Composer "G"> <Artist "H"> <Album Title 1>
<track title "A"> <Composer "G"> <Artist "T"> <Album Title 25>
<track title "A"> <Composer "G"> <Artist "P"> <Album Title 54>
<track title "B"> <Composer "B+R"> <Artist "H"> <Album Title 4>
and so on...
this seems to be impossible??
Sorry, when I ask you such things, but this is my condition to use a database.

03-08-2005, 04:04 AM
In order to achieve a list like that you would probably have to do some javascripting in your template file (i.e. "myTemplate.dax").

OCD is album-centric, meaning that any list of tracks derived directly from the OCD tags would list the tracks for album #1 and then the tracks for album #2 etc.

However, you can probably pass the entire album collection to a javascript, read album for album, track for track into an array, sort the array of tracks, and then return the result. I haven't tried, but I think it would work.