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View Full Version : Framesets possible?

05-04-2003, 02:36 PM

One more question. Is it posible to work with a frameset when exporting to HTML? So I can give a target frame as an argument for a link?


05-12-2003, 12:58 PM
One more question. Is it posible to work with a frameset when exporting to HTML? So I can give a target frame as an argument for a link?

No, you can't specify the target frame for each link individually in current version of OrangeCD. Note that you can still use HTML BASE tag to specify a default target for all links in page.


05-12-2003, 04:21 PM
Is this something you plan to add in the future?


05-27-2003, 02:43 AM
Is this something you plan to add in the future?

Yes, something will be done to allow user customization of link attributes.

06-14-2003, 03:52 PM
yes it is ;D

However, this DOES require some added functionality!!

For this to get to work you will need to give up 1 custom field and fill it with the CDDB number.. further more, you need to change the templates and replace things like <!--[albumpagelink/]--> with a hard coded link <a href="<!--[custom1/]-->" target="framename">

I used this little trick to show album info in a pop-up window in one of my earlier templates. Be aware though, this ONLY works with the album info pages and cover art... NOT with group pages
