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View Full Version : javascript reference

08-22-2003, 05:34 AM
Well, here's what we have at the moment. Of course, any of these javascript commands can only be used in OrangeCD user interface. They cannot appear in web site templates.

window.external.addnew(0) - add new album by scanning CD-ROM.
window.external.addnew(1) - add new albums by scanning MP3s.
window.external.addnew(2) - add new album by typing.

window.external.editartist(disc_id, active_page) - display artist properties for the entry specified by disc_id. Active_page is the index of dialog tab to be initially visible. If disc_id is zero, then the current album is used.

window.external.editdisc(disc_id, active_page) - display disc properties. Arguments have the same meaning as above.

window.external.edittrk(disc_id, track, active_page) - display disc properties. Arguments have the same meaning as above, plus additional argument for track number.

window.external.browse('field') - display albums in content tree by specified field. The field can be one of the following: year, kind, categ, genre, format, label, studio, engineer, producer, conductor, soloist, orchestra, tour, performer, author, composer, custom1-custom4, dateadded, artistsort.

window.external.search(0) - simple search.
window.external.search(1) - advanced search.

window.external.getTip(0) - returns first tip of the day.
window.external.getTip(1) - returns next tip of the day.
window.external.getTip(2) - returns previous tip of the day.