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View Full Version : Tag for CD sets

06-30-2004, 06:03 AM
OrangeCD contains a "# in set" field. However there doesn't seem to be a tag to go with it.

Now why would I want that? Well, it's quite simple. I use iTunes to rip my CDs, and iTunes adds <# in set> to the track name for CDs in a set.

To make my play button work, I've therefore added Disc x, Vol.x og Part x to the album title, in order to extract the x and place it in the track filename. It works OK, but it's sort of like cheating.

Actually the "# in set" field is not well suited for this purpose. If would be better to split the field in two, like in iTunes: Disc number <field 1> of <field 2>.

OrangeCD is really a great program. The more I work with it, the more pleased I am. Keep up the good work.

07-04-2004, 03:05 PM
I've discovered that <!--[VolumeName/]--> returns CDx, where x is the first number in the "# in set" field.
# in set : 3/7
<!--[VolumeName/]--> returns CD3

So (with a little substr handling) that takes care of half of the problem .

For a while I thought I'd also found the second half of "# in set", but unfortunately I was wrong.

<!--[AlbumCount/]--> seems to return the number of albums in a group. That's fine if you've got a 2-CD set in your database. Then <!--[AlbumCount/]--> will return 2, and everything's fine.

However, if you only have one of the two CDs in your database, <!--[AlbumCount/]--> returns 1.

So I'd still like to see a tag that returns the entire content of the "# in set#" field.