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View Full Version : New Column

10-30-2004, 10:15 AM
I would like add a new column in a new theme ,example " DVD number" or " ID Number".Is possible?how i can do?Thank you.

10-30-2004, 05:01 PM
I'm not sure what you want to achieve.

There's a field called "Reference #" (Record Properties | Personal (tab)) where you may add a custom number to each individual entry (CD/DVD etc).

Or you can use the "Number" field (Record Properties | General (tab)).

Now, if you wish to have your custom number displayed in the tabular album list in for instance the CRISP theme, all you have to do is :

- right click the tabular list
- select Columns from the pop-up window (Customize window)
- tick off either the Number or the Reference # column
- click OK

You should now have a tabular list which includes your custom numbers.

To add your custom numbers to a template, however, you'd have to use <!--[shelfid/]--> to fetch the content of the "Reference #" field, and <!--[number/]--> to display the content of the Number field.

11-01-2004, 02:42 PM
Tank you pheisholt,I understand.