Is There A Limit To How Many Megabytes You Can Use In A Database??
I have recently gone on a major cd buying spree. I already have 3,455 cd's
in my database, with over 100 more on the way. I have noticed that the more
cd's I add, the longer it takes to load up. And now today, I had problems entering
the database. It kept freezing up, so I had to reboot my pc to get it to load again.
I just deleted a few cd's to make sure this doesn't happen again. I am up to 290.38
megabytes. So my question is, is there a limit, because it seems to me that I have
reached it. Is there anything I can do to continue on with this same database, or
will I need to start a new one. Like a part 2. I REALLY don't want to do this though.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Lance.