Survey! How many of you have own websites?
Hi folks,
We certainly have some critical mass of users registered on Racks and Tags already. Things are looking pretty well, so we consider adding some integration features that will allow you to embed Racks and Tags updates in your website.
This very informal survey will make some decisions easier for us, so please take a minute to respond.
1) Do you have your own website? (yes/no)
2) Would you be interested in embedding some of the information in your Racks and Tags database in your website, and what kind of information:
- your top artists
- recently purchased albums
- recently played albums
- new album ratings
- multiple choices/all of the above?
3) What method of embedding would you prefer:
- WordPress widget
- generic JavaScript widget
- image
- swf
- something else (json, xml)?
- "I don't know what you are talking about, give me the simplest method possible!"
4) any other comments?
You can respond either here or by commenting [url=]this blog post[/url].
Thanks for your input!
Re: Survey! How many of you have own websites?
1) Yes [url][/url]
2) That would be a great idea!... What would be useful to me are;
New Added Albums
New album ratings
Stats of Grand totals of the database, Statistics (Aritsts & Genre) would be useful
3) generic Javascript widget, similiar to Flickr slideshow, is very handy and simple...maybe it could show the album covers?
4) what I think might be interesting is embedding the artist cloud?
Thanks! :D
Re: Survey! How many of you have own websites?
1. Yes (sort of) [url][/url] It's a blog I occasionally post to. Also [url][/url]
2. Top Artists and stats from the collection
3. I'm not really sure about this stuff. I say easier the better. ;-)
4. All this would be great, but I can't seem to get my stuff to upload to R&T. When I hit "upload now" it tells me "A connection to the server cannot be established". The log just says, "Connecting to [url]"[/url]. Any ideas Andrei?
edit: the version I'm using is
Re: Survey! How many of you have own websites?
Originally Posted by nowheremen22
4. All this would be great, but I can't seem to get my stuff to upload to R&T. When I hit "upload now" it tells me "A connection to the server cannot be established". The log just says, "Connecting to [url]"[/url]. Any ideas Andrei?
If it persists (try again in 15 minutes), then it is probably because firewall software blocks OrangeCD from accessing the web service. You need to configure firewall to allow OrangeCD Catalog (dadbapp.exe) access websites.